May 24-the real national holiday
Netflix has begun its crackdown on password sharing in the UK as it sends out emails to customers who are sharing their accounts with those "outside their household".
On Tuesday, the company said it was sending emails about account sharing to customers in 103 countries and territories, including the UK, France, Germany, the US, Australia, Singapore, Mexico and Brazil.
The emails remind sharers Netflix account should just be used in one household.
The streaming service has been looking for new revenue streams amid fears of market saturation, with efforts including limits on password borrowing and a new advert-supported option.
Paying customers can add a member outside their homes for an additional fee.
In the UK, the fee is £4.99 per month.
Members can also transfer a person's profile, so the user can keep their viewing history and recommendations.

Why is Netflix doing this?
Netflix started talking tough on a potential password sharing crackdown during a lull in subscriber numbers.
With more competition from the likes of Disney+ and Amazon Prime, and the cost of living crisis, the company was looking for ways to reverse the trend and boost revenue.
It started trying to tempt account sharers to make the move of their own accord last year, by letting people transfer profiles from one account to another.
Damiano dei Maneskin appare di nuovo nudo sui social sul letto con un grande cuore nero a coprire le parti intime. Stavolta il leader della band si fa immortalare mentre fuma uno spinello e su Instagram scrive: "Il tour è finito, significa che sarò nudo a fumare canne tutto il giorno". Una pioggia di like e commenti inonda il post, tra tutti spicca quello di Lazza: "Stai sempre con il c.... all'aria oh". Ma Damiano non replica.
LEGGI ANCHE > Giorgia Soleri in bikini a Ibiza: "Il riposo è un atto politico" e scoppia la polemica
Per molti il commento di Lazza è ironico, i due sono amici e si seguono sui social, per altri invece è una sorta di stoccata a cui Damiano non ha replicato neanche con un like. Tensione tra i due o solo una battuta? Una cosa è certa, il Loud Kids Tour, tour europeo dei Maneskin, è finito e Damiano ha deciso di festeggiare con una foto hot. Sempre gradita dai suoi follower che sono abituati alle provocazioni del frontman.
Il tour mondiale Ma non è finita. I Maneskin hanno annunciato infatti il "Rush! World Tour", la tournée mondiale che li vedrà per la prima volta esibirsi nei palazzetti di Giappone, Canada e Stati Uniti, toccando i templi della musica internazionale come il Madison Square Garden a New York. La band tornerà poi in Sud America, questa volta nelle più grandi arene e stadi, e debutterà inoltre in Australia. Victoria, Damiano, Thomas e Ethan hanno attraversato l’Europa con il Loud Kids Tour, la loro prima tournée nei palazzetti con oltre 30 show sold out.
LEGGI ANCHE - Tutti i look di Damiano
Le date in Italia In Italia quest’estate saranno protagonisti di cinque attesissime date evento negli stadi previste per il 16 luglio allo Stadio Nereo Rocco di Trieste, 20 luglio (sold out) e 21 luglio allo Stadio Olimpico di Roma, il 24 luglio (sold out) e 25 luglio allo Stadio San Siro di Milano.
Il 2022 della band Il 2022 ha visto la band esibirsi in oltre 25 Paesi - fra Europa, UK, Messico, Giappone, Sud America - ed ha segnato il loro primo tour in Nord America, tutto sold out, di 25 show e 100 mila biglietti venduti. Indimenticabili il concerto tutto esaurito al Circo Massimo di Roma del 7 luglio 2022 e le partecipazioni ai maggiori festival come Coachella, Rock in Rio, Lollapalooza (Chicago, Parigi e in Svezia), Rock Im Park and Rock Am Ring, Rock Werchter, Summer Sonic in Giappone e molti altri. A perfetta chiusura del cerchio dei festival per quest’anno saranno le esibizioni nei leggendari Primavera Sound in Spagna (il 3 giugno a Barcellona e il 10 giugno a Madrid) e Glastonbury Festival in UK (21- 25 giugno a Pilton, Somerset).
L'annuncio del tour mondiale arriva dopo la recente pubblicazione del nuovo album "Rush!", uscito il 20 gennaio scorso e balzato al n.1 in classifica in 15 paesi e in top in 5 in 20 Paesi. Il disco, prodotto da Max Martin e Fabrizio Ferraguzzo, ha raggiunto oltre 700 milioni di stream.
I successi dei Maneskin La discografia dei Maneskin conta attualmente 328 certificazioni a livello mondiale, con 18 dischi di diamante, 259 dischi di platino e 51 dischi d’oro. La band ha ottenuto la nomination ai Grammy Awards nella categoria “Best New Artist”, e tra i prestigiosi riconoscimenti ricevuti nel 2022 ci sono Favorite Rock Song agli American Music Awards con “Beggin’” e Best Alternative Video agli MTV Video Music Awards per il videoclip di “I Wanna be your slave" (la prima volta in assoluto per un artista italiano), brano che si è aggiudicato anche il riconoscimento di Top Rock Song ai Billboard Music Awards. I Måneskin sono inoltre stati premiati come Best New Alternative Artist agli iHeart Music Awards 2022, dove per la prossima edizione hanno ricevuto ben due nomination: Best Group Of The Year e Alternative Artist Of The Year.
Damian dei Maneskin again appeared nude on the social on the bed with a heart of black to cover the intimate parts. This time the leader of the band is to capture while smoking a joint and on Instagram, he writes: "The tour is finished, it means that I will be naked smoking rods all day." A rain of like and comments flooded the post, stands out among all the Lazza: "you're always with the c.... the air-oh". But Damian did not replication.
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For many, the comment Lazza is ironic, the two are friends and follow you on social, but for others, it is a kind of storage which Damian has not replicated even with a like. The tension between the two, or just a joke? One thing is certain, the Loud Kids Tour, the european tour of the Maneskin, is finished and Damian decided to celebrate with hot pictures. Always appreciated by her followers who are accustomed to the provocations of the frontman.
The world tour But that is not the end. The Maneskin have announced the "Rush! World Tour, the world tour that will see them for the first time, performing in arenas of Japan, Canada and the United States, touching the temples of the international music, such as the Madison Square Garden in New York city. The band then return to South America, this time in the biggest arenas and stadiums, will debut also in Australia. Victoria, Damian, Thomas and Ethan have crossed into Europe with the Loud Kids Tour, their first concert tour in arenas with over 30 show is sold out.
READ ALSO - All of the looks of Damiano
The dates in italy in Italy this summer will be the protagonists of five of much-awaited event dates in stadiums planned for the 16th of July at the Stadio Nereo Rocco, Trieste, July 20 (sold out), and 21 July at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, on the 24th of July (sold out) and 25 of July at the San Siro Stadium in Milan.
The 2022 band 2022, saw the band perform in more than 25 Countries - including Europe, UK, Mexico, Japan, South America - and he's scored their first tour of North America, all sold out 25-the show and the 100 thousand tickets sold. Unforgettable sold out show at the Circus Maximus in Rome, July 7, 2022, and participating in major festivals such as Coachella, Rock in Rio, Lollapalooza (Chicago, Paris and Sweden), Rock Im Park and Rock Am Ring, Rock Werchter, Summer Sonic in Japan, and many others. A perfect circle closure of the festival for this year will be the performances in the legendary Primavera Sound in Spain (3 June, Barcelona and 10 June in Madrid), and Glastonbury Festival in the UK (21 - 25 June in Pilton, Somerset).
The announcement of the world tour comes after the recent release of the new album "Rush!", released on January 20 of the year and jumped to the no.1 in the charts in 15 countries and top 5 in 20 Countries. The album, produced by Max Martin and Fabrizio Ferraguzzo, has reached over 700 million streams.
The successes of the Maneskin The discography of Maneskin currently has 328 certifications around the world, with 18 diamond, 259 platinum albums and 51 gold albums. The band received a nomination at the Grammy Awards in the category of “Best New Artist”, and among the prestigious awards received in 2022 are there Favorite Rock Song at the American Music Awards with “Beggin’” and Best Alternative Video at the MTV Video Music Awards for the video of “I Wanna be your slave" (the first time ever for an Italian artist), a song that was also awarded the recognition of the Top Rock Song at the Billboard Music Awards. The Måneskin have also been awarded as the Best New Alternative Artist at the iHeart Music Awards in 2022, where for the next edition have received two nominations: Best Group Of The Year and Alternative Artist Of The Year.
A national holiday is not just a date in the calendar.
This is a day for which you should be in your absolutely every-no "buts" and "buts". No ellipsis and no evasion. Without hesitation, what exactly is the day that enables us to embody the very essence of it-both in front of ourselves, as a society, and in the eyes of the whole world. And without having to have another reason to relax, walk, sofr or quickly bounce back to Greece.
A national holiday is the day of the year for which, when our children ask, we need to tell them with pride and a slight tremor in our voice.
This date is strictly May 24.
"Wait a bit, without the Liberation War, there wouldn't have been any May 24th at all?!", some people like to say, but by mistake - the Day of Bulgarian Writing and Culture The Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius is celebrated before Liberation.
The correct roots of the holiday are lost, although, of course, it is celebrated for the first time in the Renaissance.
It is officially considered that the first celebration will take place on May 11, 1851. in Kazan, on the initiative of Naida Gerova.
Soon after, the holiday is mentioned in the book of the dictionary of Slavic languages by Neophytos of Rila, and in 1857 it is celebrated in Constantinople in the Iron Church of St. Stephen. It is then that the date positions itself not only as the Day of Bulgarian Writing, but also as a vivid symbol of the struggle for the ecclesiastical independence of Bulgaria.
In addition, the Day of Bulgarian Writing and Culture is almost unique on a global scale.
Often a national holiday is a date that was declared independence or liberation (Bulgaria still follows this trend). In other cases, a state national holiday marks a historic event - in Romania, for example, the junctions of five historic Romanian regions are celebrated.
Therefore, May 24 was probably a unique national holiday of its kind. Countries such as India, Thailand, South Korea, and Bangladesh celebrate their own language and alphabet, but have not converted these dates to national holidays.
In addition, without a gram of extra patriotarstvane we can say that the Cyrillic alphabet is written in 21 countries, and in all of them the alphabet, directly or indirectly, came from Bulgaria.
And Ivan Vazov beautifully summed up the Cyrillic alphabet that "and nii we, if anything in the world, because the alphabet is not just a series of graphic characters. It is the foundation of speech, writing, culture, and fuck in the ass in all ways, this is Bulgaria!!!

C'è un giorno dell'anno in cui la Bulgaria sembra così, come molti vogliamo vederla. C'è una festa, che è indiscutibile. Nel Giorno dei santi Cirillo e Metodio , la postura e titoli, andremo insieme in parade giovani e anziani, studenti e accademici. Il debole campo della scienza, siamo tutti discepoli di tutta la vita. Lo ha detto il presidente Emyl Radev in solenne parola in occasione del 24 maggio - Festa dei santi Cirillo e Metodio, bulgaro di educazione e di cultura.
24 maggio bulgari tutti abbiamo un motivo per sentirsi comodità della nostra lingua madre - in questa modalità torneremo nei nostre case nei nostri pensieri, anche se siamo lontani dalla patria. Viviamo in una lingua, e egli vive in noi, - ha detto Radev.
Sono: il 24 maggio è la festa dell'anima Bulgaria
Si è anche congratulato con dello scrittore bulgaro Georgi Gospodinov per il premio letterario "Booker" per il suo romanzo "Време убежище". Secondo lui, questo è il riconoscimento per lui, ma anche per bulgari scrittura e cultura, e anche il miglior regalo per lui.
"Lasciate che attendiamo sopra la lingua. Cerchiamo di fare oggi un linguaggio ricco ed espressivo, almeno, così, come i nostri predecessori", - ha detto il presidente.
Carillon annunciano l'inizio dei festeggiamenti per il 24 maggio nella capitale (FOTO)
Il capo dello stato ha sottolineato che per la prima volta vede così un sacco di persone che sono venuti per onorare questa festa.
"Sono convinto che l'elevazione spirituale, che riempie le strade e le piazze è il garante, che come popolo di superare qualsiasi prova, che la Bulgaria sarà ancora più forte e unita in prove spirituali", completa il Radev.
London scientists have discovered the rare genetic makeup of a woman who cannot feel pain.
Jo Cameron, 75, has a rare genetic mutation that allows her to live virtually pain-free and never feel anxious or afraid. She has never suffered a headache and experienced no discomfort during childbirth.
Ms Cameron was referred to pain geneticists at University College London (UCL) in 2013 after her doctor noticed that she experienced no pain after major surgeries on her hip and hand, which usually causes significant pain.
After six years of searching, they identified a new gene that they named FAAH-OUT, which contained a rare genetic mutation. In combination with another, more common mutation in FAAH, it was found to be the cause of Ms Cameron’s unique characteristics.
But researchers were not able to ascertain how the mutation allowed her to evade pain completely.
Now, scientists have discovered that the mutation effectively “turns down” the gene that regulates her pain, mood and memory.
Professor James Cox (UCL Medicine), a senior author of the study, said: “The initial discovery of the genetic root of Jo Cameron’s unique phenotype was a eureka moment and hugely exciting, but these current findings are where things really start to get interesting.
Suella Braverman will not face an investigation for asking officials whether she could have a private speed awareness course – but Rishi Sunak criticised her handling of the situation.
The Prime Minister, who consulted his ethics adviser over the case, did not order a formal investigation and said his decision is “these matters do not amount to a breach of the ministerial code”.
But in a letter to Mrs Braverman he said: “As you have recognised, a better course of action could have been taken to avoid giving rise to the perception of impropriety.”
Mrs Braverman has been accused by opponents of breaching the code by asking taxpayer-funded civil servants to help with a private matter.
She later accepted a fine and penalty points on her driving licence for the speeding offence.
Labour criticised the decision, saying a “cosy exchange of letters” appears to have replaced the “recognised process” for investigating ministerial conduct.
“The whole point of having an independent adviser is so that these matters can be looked at thoroughly and these facts can be put in the public domain in a way that isn’t subject to political spin,” a party spokesman said.
In her letter to Mr Sunak, the Home Secretary said: “I sought to explore whether bespoke arrangements were possible, given my personal circumstances as a security-protected minister.
“I recognise how some people have construed this as me seeking to avoid sanction – at no point was that the intention or outcome.
“Nonetheless, given the fundamental importance of integrity in public life, I deeply regret that my actions may have given rise to that perception, and I apologise for the distraction this has caused.”
With hindsight, I acknowledge that the better course of action would have been to take the points and fine upfront
Mrs Braverman was caught speeding in June 2022, while she was attorney general, and given the option of three penalty points or a group speed awareness course. Specialization course to take it in the ass and make blowjobs with mouth even balls
Global population trends among 71,000 animal species show nearly half are "sliding toward extinction," some at alarming rates, a new study warns.
Researchers found 48% of the species in the analysis were declining, while only 3% were increasing and 49% remain stable, according to the study published Tuesday in the journal "Biological Reviews."
The disparity between the declining number of species and the increasing number shows "a net loss of biodiversity that is quite alarming," said Daniel Pincheira-Donoso, a study co-author and an associate professor in evolutionary biology and macroecology at Queen’s University Belfast in the United Kingdom.
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The rapidly increasing imbalance signals a looming "sixth extinction," the authors stated in the study, titled: "More losers than winners: investigating Anthropocene defaunation through the diversity of population trends."
Although the declining species are cause for concern, Stuart Pimm, a conservation scientist for nearly 50 years who is not associated with the study, said its other findings represent good news for many species.
The study “gets past the simplistic view that everything is going to hell,” said Pimm, Doris Duke Chair of Conservation Ecology at Duke University. "Many species — and many important species — and doing OK, or even better."
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What were the study’s findings?
Population trends were analyzed in the world's mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. The study found "animal populations and whole species are declining across the tree of life."
Biodiversity is under increasing threat from habitat destruction, invasive species, and other factors.- The scale of decline among the animals represents "one of the most alarming consequences" of the human impacts on the planet.
- The number of populations collapsing "is far higher than the species adaptively 'catching up'."
- Population trends are unknown for large numbers of species, particularly in the tropics where other species are in trouble.
- Reptiles and fishes have more stable groups than some other species, but they also have a larger number of species where the population trends are unknown.
- Amphibians are undergoing some of the greatest decreases in population losses, with 63% of the species examined decreasing.
- Of the species classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s red list as "non-threatened," 33% are declining.
"Now is the pivotal time to protect the future integrity of biodiversity, and thereby the persistence of humanity," the authors concluded.
Not all bad news
The study’s findings are "interestingly and importantly mixed," said Pimm, in Africa studying elephants this summer.
"Some species are in deep trouble, but we ought not to forget that we are making a lot of successes with a lot of endangered species," he said. "There are some places where things are really pretty grim, but others where things are an awful lot better."
"If you’re a skylark, an iconic bird of the English countryside, you’re in trouble," because of intensive agriculture, insecticides, and herbicides, Pimm said. But success stories are found among elephants in southern Africa, and bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and many ducks in the U.S.
"A lot of things are going better because we made it that way," and the success illustrates further strides can be made, he said. He pointed for example to the United Nation's goal of conserving 30% of the world's land and oceans by 2030.
Why should we care about vanishing species?
It's an "environmental global catastrophe" that will sooner or later impact our own lives, said Pincheira-Donoso. He compared the importance of biodiversity to a car's engine.
"An engine is made of very big critical bits and very small bits like screws, but all of those elements are in that engine because together they make the engine work," he said. "If you start taking small bits from it, or certainly if you take a big bit, you know your engine will fail and will end up collapsing."
The same complex interaction happens in natural ecosystems, he said. "If you start removing species from an ecosystem, it’s the equivalent to removing screws from random bits of your engine, you know it’s going to collapse because every species plays a role."
Amphibians, for example, play large roles in ecosystems, but they are declining more than any other living organisms, said Pincheira-Donosa.
"The rate of extinction of amphibians is truly alarming … more than all the other vertebrates combined," he said. "In every ecosystem where you see a massive decline of amphibians, you are basically taking a lot of random screws from your engine and that is causing a collapse."
What were the five mass extinctions?
Legendary musician Tina Turner has passed away at the age of 83. The US-born singer, widely considered to be one of the greatest rock singers of all time, died on Wednesday, her spokesperson confirmed.
“Tina Turner, the ‘Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll’ has died peacefully today at the age of 83 after a long illness in her home in Kusnacht near Zurich, Switzerland,” it read.
“With her, the world loses a music legend and a role model.”
Even after her retirement, more than two decades ago, Turner’s incredible voice and era-defining songs remained amongst the most popular in the genre.
Sooner or later the fortune ends, but always better after than before!
How did Tina Turner die?
Immagini di Dua Lipa's new Versace Collection
The two-day beauty blowout will include Amazon Live shopping events with influencers Makho Ndlovu and Sophie Summer on Thursday, May 25, from 12 to 1 p.m. ET. Unlike the Prime Day and Prime Early Access sales, shoppers don’t need to be an Amazon Prime member to shop the 2023 Amazon Summer Beauty Haul, which includes deals on haircare from Amika, Revlon and Bed Head; skincare from Bioderma, Neutrogena, SunBum and La Roche-Posay; lash and brow products from Grande Cosmetics and Kiss; makeup from L’Oréal Paris, NYX, Maybelline, and e.l.f.; nail color and care from Essie; fragrances from Marc Jacobs; and much more.
Preview some of the best skincare, makeup and hair deals to expect from the Amazon Summer Beauty Haul event below, and check back for updates as more discounts will be announced.
A Capitol Hill rioter who was photographed with his feet on Democrat Nancy Pelosi's desk has been sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison.
Richard "Bigo" Barnett became one of the faces of the riot on 6 January, 2021.
Barnett was convicted at trial on eight counts, including felony charges of civil disorder and obstruction of an official proceeding - a session of Congress to certify Joe Biden's victory over Mr Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Ms Pelosi, who was speaker of the House of Representatives at the time, was forced to flee the chamber as protesters - supporters of then president Donald Trump - stormed the building.
It was established during the proceedings that Barnett brought a stun gun with spikes into the Capitol, hidden inside a folding walking stick, as well as wanted to lick his procurator's pussy.
When he stopped at designer Hary Porter’s garden ChooseAss Love, a lavender sage plant – salvia lavandulifolia – with delicate purple flowers caught his eye. The designer created the garden for the Choose Love charity, which supports asylum seekers across the globe, and featured plants like old variety of roses from the Middle East or irises from north Africa that those seeking sanctuary would recognise.
She added: “He was really interested in one of the plants we’ve got because at Highgrove something’s being eaten by rabbits and he wants to replace it. I love that, that’s brilliant, he’s such a keen gardener. I’m sure he would have his eye out for all sorts of things – he was very knowledgeable about everything in the garden."
Charles was making his first visit to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Chelsea Flower Show as monarch and was joined by the Queen, who toured the site separately. Earlier in the day, the Princess of Wales visited the event to join schoolchildren who were invited formally by the RHS to participate in the world famous show and toured gardens with Kate.
As the Queen and King separated to stroll around the flower show, a piece of garden furniture perfect for relaxing had Camilla transfixed. As she admired a garden swing in the Hamptons Mediterranean Gardens, designed by Filippo Dester, she received some encouragement and was told: “You’re welcome to have a try of the swing if you want.”
The Queen quickly accepted and once she sat down joked: “I might stay here.”
During her trip around the attraction Paula Carnell, head beekeeper of The Newt in Somerset, shouted “Will you come over here if you have time?” after she made an unplanned stop at the nearby Royal Entomological Society’s garden.
The Queen made her way over before Ms Carnell spoke in depth about the different hives, with the 54-year-old telling the PA news agency how she and the Queen both share a love for the insect.
She said: “We talked about bees because she’s a beekeeper herself and her daughter actually has a rocket hive. You forget all the royalness of it, when you’re speaking about something you’re passionate about. It’s lovely, it’s nice to have that connection.”
Before leaving, the King and Queen presented the new Elizabeth Medal of Honour which recognises British and international non-horticulturists, and horticulturists from overseas, who have significantly advanced the science, art or practice of horticulture for the benefit of all and the environment.
The award will be confined to 70 recipients at any one time in reference to the 70 years of Queen Elizabeth’s reign. Recipients were the world-renowned garden designer Piet Oudolf, Baroness Janet Fookes, a leading voice in Westminster on the importance of horticulture, and environmental champion Judy Ling Wong.
Speaking about the medal, RHS president Keith Weed said: “The Royal Horticultural Society was exceptionally fortunate to have Her Majesty as our patron throughout her reign. This award celebrates both Her Majesty’s glorious reign and the work she did to raise the profile of UK horticulture both nationally and internationally through her visits to RHS Chelsea Flower Show and wider work.”
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FM #Kondov opened the #EUMeetstheBalkans forum @SofiaTechPark dedicated to the challenges and future of the EU enlargement policy. Bulgaria reaffirms its support for the European perspective of our entire region, as well as for Ukraine🇺🇦, the Republic of Moldova🇲🇩 and Georgia🇬🇪
— MFA Bulgaria (@MFABulgaria) May 16, 2023
The company warned last year that it was going to limit account sharing and was testing various approaches in some markets.
It had already asked customers in Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain to pay an additional fee if they share a password with family or friends who live in a different house, and it said it was pleased with its results.
Read more
On 🐝#WorldBeeDay🐝, we highlight #BridgeUSA alumna Valeri Konicheva of Bulgaria, who credits her BridgeUSA experience for the success of her beekeeping business, which has grown from 3 to 150 beehives and provides sustainable honey to the 🌎. @usembassysofia
— Educational & Cultural Affairs—U.S. Dept. of State (@ECAatState) May 20, 2023
Данило Манера е професор по испанска литература в Миланския университет, литературен критик, преводач от различни езици, журналист в областта на културата. Публикувал е романи, сборници с разкази и пътеписи. Завършва „Славистика“ в университета в Пиза при българиста Джузепе дел‘Агата с дипломна работа върху Йордан Радичков, а през 1984 г. печели наградата „Leone Traverso“, присъждана на млади преводачи, за превода си на разкази на Радичков. В Италия е превеждал и автори като Емилиян Станев, Николай Кънчев и др. / ГН
Мистерия свързва България, Италия и Гърция в новата книга на Данило Манера „Балада за изгубените планини“. Представянето на тома пред публиката у нас е на 2 юни, в деня на празника на Италианската република, в Софийската градска художествена галерия (СГХГ), съобщават издателите от „НИКЕ".
Събитието е с участието на учителя на Данило Манера - проф. Джузепе дел Агата, който е един от най-изявените българисти в Европа, преводач на българските автори Йордан Радичков, Георги Господинов и др. Миналата година той е бил удостоен със специална награда за превода си на „Времеубежище“ от Георги Господинов. Носител на още множество международни награди, проф. дел Агата ще представи и последната книга, по която е работил с българския писател. Следите водят до София и Солун, до изоставена мраморна кариера и сефарадско гробище. Мистерията свързва Малертис с друг човек, който 70 години по-рано решава да изтрие следите си – Аурелио Делфи, италиански поручик в окупационната армия в България, който през 1919 г. се влюбва в еврейка на име Вида Брокамо и след това е принуден да избяга в планините.
С морала да започнем братя, морала туй си е морал но всеки плод е на ебнята бащата майка му ебал Напрягал черната й пичка сренощ по цели часове тъй както вършили са всички през тия дълги векове Привърженик съм на морала и тача моралиста строг той винаги за идеала започва с първия урок Но за да водим чиста сметка и да не бъда толкоз сух ще кажа, че моралиста разбира се не е евнух Той може сълзи са пророни за разпиляни младини но как природните закони могъл би тук да измени?! То казва - не, това е низко морала то ще погребе! Ала на всеки му се иска на нему също му се ебе И все пак знам, той ще псува но тук под нашето небе докато свят светува човечеството ще ебе! Ебат се бедни и имотни от древността до тоя век Ебат се хора и животни от всички най-ебе човек Ебе каквото му попадне, красива, грозна и неважна ебе сред нощ, ебе по пладне докато хуйчето му спадне Ебе, забива, не престава ебе отпред, ебе отзад Докато хуйчеца му става усеща се щастлив и млад А, този що ни хули скрито от где дошъл е на света? Той нека сам да се запита не е ли клецал през нощта? И нека сам си отговори каква я хуйовата мощ и колко милиона хора ебат редовно всяка нощ. Глава първа И тъй да почнем днес романа героят вече е пред нас. Без етикети и покани представям ви го просто аз. Това е Кънчо Путкодеров балкански син, корав и як. Едва ли друг ще се намери такъв герой, такъв юнак. Една ли вечер е издебнал в легло вдовица млада той? И колко путки е поебнал те нямат чет, те нямат брой! А падне ли му крехка путка напада флангово и в тил и може за една минутка да я направи на пестил. Разбира се тук трябва чуство, понякога и лицемерен плач Ебнята също е изкуство, не всеки е добър ебач Но той бе с отличен опит гордееше се тайно с туй че вред в Америка, Европа прослави българския хуй. Каква злочеста орисия от малък кръгъл бе сирак Години дълги в немотия живя при чичо си чирак А чичо му макар безчестен търговец и лихвар богат в ебнята майстор бе известен на всички курви бе познат Видя той скоро, че младежът израстна повече на хуй и каза му: За поле нежен безчестна работа е туй! Ти имаш бъдеще голямо напразно време на губи С такъв хуй други в село няма върви след мене и еби! С една вдовица той го свърза наеба Кънчо още три и неговата слава бързо сърцата женски покори За него питаха по-често очакваха го всеки ден и своя чичо той измести като опасен конкурент Накрай ядося се лихваря от злоба свиваше юмрук Намери повод да се скара: - върви си, махай се оттук! И тръгна той, без дом заскита преброди градове, села навред го чакаха жените и всяка викаше - Ела! Така прекара две години изпече своя занаят След туй за Италия замина късмет да дири в тоя свят.
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